Sunday, October 21, 2007

National Healthcare

National Healthcare

Michael Moore's Sicko is a treatise for a National Health Service Program. It sounds good on the surface, to use tax dollars as a means to improve the health of the country. However, if you are an otherwise healthy individual, why should you participate? Granted, as a physician, you applaud the implementation of a plan that would allow everyone the access to health care. However, maybe you feel, as a new graduate at the age of 27, that you shouldn't be paying for a new defibrillator for Dick Cheney or for Bob Dole's erectile dysfunction. Also, with an eye towards history, maybe you think by paying for a health benefit now, you will be paying for a program that will be phased out by the time you really may benefit. But, in a civilized society, what is the option? Do we move towards a nationalized health care system or not? So often these topics are infused with special interest groups and millions of dollars, but as a purely ethical question, is health care a right?

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