Sunday, December 2, 2007

Current Issues: VAC

V.A.C. is also known as vacuum assisted therapy. This treatment involves placing a foam dressing on the wound that is then attached to suction. The wound is then suctioned continuously for the first 48 hours, and then intermittently thereafter. In theory, the procedure hastens cleaning by removing harmful substances including bacteria. The 11 major studies advocating V.A.C. have major flaws however. For example, many of the studies showing a benefit of V.A.C. compared the device to older therapies such as wet dressings. Recently, however, the therapy has come under attack and has been shown to be not as effective as other therapies and in some cases may be more harmful in subjecting the wound to suction. In addition, the device is costly, and therapy requires each patient to be immobile and attached to device for long periods of time.

There are many issues that may be addressed in this case. The primary one is our enthusiasm to jump to newer therapies that may not be fully studied. Is it our obligation to adapt to the newer therapies once the research has begun to show a benefit. Should we remain with the older therapies until definitive research is available. If we remain with older therapies, are we negligent in not using what may possibly be the best treatment?


Howard Scott Pearlman said...

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Top the Doc Questions Now has 439 Questions ?????????

1) The following are autosomal recessive disorders...
a) Deafness
b) Albinism
c) Wilson's Disease
d) Sickle cell anemia
e) All of the Above

2) Ascorbic Acid deficiency is?
a) Otherwise known as scurvy
b) cured by drinking Orange Juice
c) found in areas of urban population
d) May cause hemorrhage into the periosteum of the long bones
e) All of the above

3) Cancer of the prostate is is not diagnosed by
a) Palpation of the prostate gland
b) Imaging
c) Biopsy
d) Deep Venous Thrombosis
e) Rectal examination of soft, pliable prostate mass

4) The most common Metabolic Emergency?
(a) Hypercalcemia
(b) Respiratory alkalosis
(c) Metabolic acidosis
(d) Hyperpotasemia

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5) The term Polycythemia signifies:
a) An increase above normal in the number of red blood cells in the circulating blood
b) Increase of all blood cells in the bloodstream
c) Sojourn of high altitudes
d) Mongels disease

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6) Cyanosis refers to?
a) The result of reduced hemoglobin
b) Is a bluish color of the skin and
mucous membranes
c) Comes from increased cyanide
d) May not be detected until arterial
saturation has declined to 75%

7) Sarcoidosis may involve?
a) Upper respiratory tract
b) Liver
c) Spleen
d) Eye
e) All of the Above

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8) Common signs and symptoms of blood loss are...
a) Restlessness
b) Anxiety
c) Syncope on sitting
d) Fever
e) Kidney Failure

9) Associated with Aplastic Anemia are the following?
a) Aspirin
b) Sulfonamides
c) Sedatives
d) Progesterone
e) Antihistamines
f) All of the above

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10) West Nile Virus is transmitted among wild birds by?
a) Culex Mosquitoes
b) Tick
c) Tse-tse fly
d) Aedes Mosquitoes

Is this Recession Bush's Fault????

1) Yes

2) No

3) Not Sure

11) Left to right shunts are seen in?
a) Patent ductus arteriosus
b) Ventricular septal defects
c) Aortic root to right heart shunts
d) Atrial Septal Defect

12) A leading cause of blindness in the U.S. is
a) Cotton-wood exudates
b) Macular edema
c) Diabetes mellitus
d) Increase in vascular permeability
e) Photocoagulation

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13) Diabetes mellitus is due to
a) Increased galactose
b) Increased fructose
c) Increased glucose
d) Increased lactose

14) Major causes of fasting hypoglycemia are
a) Adrenal insufficiency
b) Starvation
c) Liver disease
d) Alcoholism
e) Underutilization of insulin
f) Muscle wasting

15) The drugs used for the treatment of Sleeping Sickness are?
a) Saranin
b) Pentamidine
c) Mellaril
d) eflornithine

16) Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by
a) Toxiplasma analoride
b) Toxiplasma leishmania
c) Toxiplasma gondii
d) Toxiplasma cruzi

17) Raynaud's phenomenon is frequented in
a) Only in infrequent episodes
b) Acrocyanosis
c) Frostbite
d) Chilblains
e) Erythromelalgia

18) Paget's Disease of Bone
a)Has unknown cause
b)The skull is most commonly involved
c)Significant radiology findings
d)The pelvic bones are rarely involved
e)The lytic phase occurs in skull as osteoporosis circumscripta

19) Lupus erythematous is
a) Solely a skin disease
b) An Autoimmune disease
c) The same as Morphea
d) Survival rate is 100% at 2 years

20) Rheumatoid arthritis indicates
a) A genetic predisposition
b) Acute polyarthritis
c) No extraarticular manifestations
d) No plenopulmonary manifestations

21) Thyroid Disease
a) Is determined by Somatastatin
b) TSH
c) Hyperpituitary disease
d) Peripheral resistance to thyroid hormone

22) Addison's Disease is marked by
a) Excess cortisol
b) Excessive pigmentation of skin
c) Inability to hold onto salt
d) Crisis-like situations

23) Hyperelasticity of the skin and hypermobile Joints is known as?
a) chondroplasias
b) Marfan Syndrome
c) Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
d) Epidermolysis Bulloea
e) Stickler Syndrome

24) Pernicious Anemia
a) Results from cobalmin deficiency
b) is characterized by neurological manifestations
c) Reveals a smooth and beefy red tongue
d) is mostly seen in individuals of Northern European descent
e) all of the above

25) Endocarditis should be suspected in patients with
a) a heart murmur and unexplained fever
b) positive blood cultures
c) appearance of staphylococci in blood culture
d) appearance of gonococemia
e) all of the above

26) Cor Pulmonale is characterized by
a) Obstructive Lung Disease
b) Left Ventricular failure
c) Pulmonary hypertension
d) Breathlessness
e) All of the above

27) Renal insult may reveal itself in
a) Hyperkalemia
b) Hypernatremia
c) Hypercalcemia
d) Hypophosphatemia

28) Drugs used for angina pectoris include
a) Nitrates
b) Beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents
c) Calcium channel blocking agents
d) Digitalis
e) Digitoxin

29) Hyperuricosuria is due to
a) Excessive intake of sweets
b) Excessive intake of meat, fish and poultry
c) Hyperoxaluria
d) Hypercitraturia

30) Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome consists of
a) Neo-beta islet cell tumors of the pancreas
b) Also known as gastrinomas
c) Pancreatic islet cell hyperplasia does not occur in such patients
d) Small multicentric carcinoid tumors have been identified in the gastric mucosa of such patients

31) Wegener's granulomatosis is characterized by
a) Extreme predominance in African Americans
b) At less than 10 years of age
c) Has nasal involvement
d) Has eye involvement

32) Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
a) Is the same as Amyotropic Lateral Dystrophy
b) Has it's onset in childhood
c) Does not effect cardiac conduction defects
d) Is the same as Fascioscapulohumeral dystrophy

33) Smokers have
a) More propensity for drinking alcohol
b) Earlier menopause in women
c) Have no association with greater occurrence of atherosclerotic disease
d) No relation to depression

34) Hemochromatosis may be
a) Genetic
b) Secondary Iron Load
c) An expression of Blood Donation
d) An autosomal recessive disorder
e) All of the above

35) Porphyria
a) Inherited disorder of specific enzymes in the heme biosynthetic pathway
b) An acquired disorder of the heme biosynthetic pathway
c) Major manifestation is abdominal pain
d) There is no neurological asset of the disease
e) Castaneous sensitivity occurs from longwave ultraviolet ray

36) Cystic Fibrosis is
a) First seen in adults
b) Of a life span of past 40
c) Characterized by chronic airway destruction
d) Bronchlectatic involvement
e) All of the above

37) Uremia
a) Is a result of protein and amino acid metabolism
b) End products of nucleic acid metabolism
c) End products of tryptophran and tyrosine
d) Results in "Uremic Frost"
e) All of the above

38) Oliguria can lead to
a) Hypokalemia
b) Ominous effects on cardiac function
c) Metabolic acidosis
d) Death
e) All of the above

39) Hypercalcemia of Malignancy is responsible for
a) 10% of all of all hypercalcemia
b) 15% of all of all hypercalcemia
c) 40% of all of all hypercalcemia
d) 80% of all of all hypercalcemia

40) Fever of unknown origin
a) May be due to drugs
b) May be caused by malignancies
c) Are not diagnosable by bone marrow cultures
d) May not be due to mycobacterias and fungi

41) Staphylococci
a) Are the leading cause of bacteremia
b) Are Anarobic
c) Are coagulase negative
d) Are always coagulase positive

42) Taenia solium
a) Is found in muscle
b) Is restricted to the U.S.A.
c) Has as its parasite stage ova
d) Is best diagnosed with MRI

43) Abnormalities in liver function are shown by
a) AST and ALT
b) Prothrombin time
c) A/G ratio
d) Alkaline phosphatase
e) all of the above

44) Septic shock occurs when
a) Failure of counteracting control mechanisms are present
b) Hypotension occurs
c) When early sepsis is not countered
d) When infection in bloodstream occurs

45) Most common infections caused by Streptococcus pneumonia are
a) Acute sinusitis
b) Pneumonia
c) Brain abscess
d) Empyema

46) V. cholera is readily diagnosed
a) Late in the coarse of the disease
b) Has a high mortality rate
c) Combated by oral fluids
d) Easily diagnosed from V. minimus by its ability to ferment sucrose
47) Heart failure is diagnosed when
a) Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea occurs
b) Rales are present
c) Sr gallop is present
d) Positive hepatojugular reflux is present

48) Maglignant Hypertcusion is treated
a) Early by nitroprusside IV
b) Early with Nifetidine SL
c) Immediately with diazoxide IV bolus
d) Late with diazoxide

49) Pneumothorax is
a) The Presence of gas in the pleural space
b) It may be spontaneous
c) It may be traumatic
d) It may be primary in the presence of lung disease

50) The most common mass in the anterior mediastinum is
a) Lymph node enlargement from metastases
b) A nuerogenic tumor
c) Bronchogenic cyst
d) Thymoma

Is Bush doing a rotten job on the economy????

1) Yes

2) No

3) I don't know

51) Histoblamosis
a) Is the most common disease of aids
b) Is most frequent in Puerto Rico
c) Is also frequent in the Dominican Republic
d) Is frequently found in Philadelphia

52) Penicillium marneffi infection is a complication of
a) Pneumonia
b) HIV infection
c) coccidiomycosis
d) Histoblasmosis

53) Kaposis Sarcoma is
a) Prominent in Aids only
b) Four times more common in women who have relations with bisexual men
c) Is invasive
d) Is common in homosexual men

54) Thyrotoxicosis
a) Leads to atrial irritability
b) Leads to decreased cardiac output
c) Leads to Atrial flutter
d) Leads to rapid circulation time

55) Thyroid Storm is characterized by
a) Delirium or coma
b) Hypertension
c) Restfulness
d) Fever

56) Chronic Ateriosclerotic Occlusive Disease
a) Usually involves the distal abdominal aorta
b) Involves claudication of lower back alone
c) Results in atropic skin loss
d) Rubor on dependency occurs

57) Takayasu's arteritis
a) Is also termed pulseless disease
b) Is most prevalent in young Asian males
c) Elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not present
d) Prognosis is excellent

58) Rheumatoid Arthritis is
a) A chronic multisytemic disease
b) Of unknown cause
c) Begins insidiously with fatigue anorexia, generalized weakness
d) Median Life expectancy is shortened by 1 to 2 years

59) Pancreatic Cancer has
a) Decreased in incidence in the U.S.
b) Increased in incidence in the U.S.
c) Cigarette smoking is the most commonly observed risk factor
d) Alcohol abuse is also a known factor in occurrence
e) Coffee is also a culprit

60) Plasma Cell Disorders are the following
a) Multiple Myeloma
b) Waldenstrome's macrog Maulinemia
c) Poems Syndrome
d) Alpha light chain disease

61) Popular Medical Novels of the thirties are
a) The Citadel
b) Until Mercy Triumphs
c) Not as a Stranger
d) The Doctor calls

62) Flea and Louse borne Rickettsial Diseases are
a) Murine Typhus
b) Typhoid Fever
c) Q Fever
d) Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis

63) Causes of Aspergillosis are
a) Aspergillus fumigatus
b) Aspergillus flavus
c) Aspergillus niger
d) Aspergillus chladosporium

64) Filarial worms are?
a) Nematodes
b) Round worms
c) Worms that dwell in subcutaneous tissues
d) Worms that dwell in the lymphatics

65) Ventricular flutter occurs
a) In patients with ischemic heart disease
b) They are produced by antiarrhythmic drugs
c) Present in torsades de pointes
d) Usually appears as a sine rate above 300 per minute
e) Usually starts out with a rapid repetitive
sequence at ventricular tachycardia

66) The Jones Criteria for Rheumatic fever consists of
a) Subcutaneous Nodules
b) Heart Block
c) Sydenham's chorea
d) Improvement with salicylates
e) Erythema Marginatum

67) Symptoms of Mitral Stenosis are:
a) Hematesis
b) Hemoptysis
c) Thrombi in the right atrium
d) Malar flush
e) Diastolic Thrill

68) Systolic hypertension with wide pulse pressure occurs in
a) Thyrotoxicosis
b) Patent ductus arteriosis
c) Polycystic renal disease
d) Myexedema
e) Pheochromacytoma

69) Indications for liver transplantation are
a) Glycagen storage disease
b) Fulmanent hepatitis
c) Biliary atresia
d) Hemophilia

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70) Arthtitis may be
a) Spirochetal
b) Syphylitic
c) Viral
d) Fungal
e) Psoriatic

71) Diabetes Insipidus
a) Starts in childhood
b) More common in females
c) Major causes are neoplastic or infiltrative leisions of the hypothalamus
d) Characterized by polydipisia and polyphagia
e) Syptoms sudden in onset

72) Vasopressin excess is present in
a) Small cell carcinoma of the lung
b) Bronchogenic carcinoma
c) Guillain Barre Sydome
d) Skull fracture

73) Pheochromocycoma occurs in
a) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
b) Hypoparathyroidism
c) Diabetes mellitus
d) Cholelithiasis

74) Marfan Syndrome characteristics are
a) Dislocated lens
b) Aortic Dilatation
c) Long and thin extremities
d) Facies of Abraham Lincoln
e) Hemacystinuria

75)Haemophilus Influenzae
a) Fopmerly called Haemophilus Aegypti
b) Long associated with conjunctivitis
c) Is the etiologic agent of chancroid
d) The most serious manifestation of HIB is meningitis

76) Antituberculocis Drugs are
a) Isoniozid
b) Rifampin
c) Penicillin
d) Chrolomycetin

77) Chlamydial infections cause
a) Pneumonia
b) Recurrent respiratory infections
c) Septicemia
d) Urinary Tract infections

78) Yellow fever caused
a) Major epidemics in Africa and the Americas
b) Black vomit
c) Wave of viremia
d) Hemorrhagic fever
e) Was filmed in "Yellow Jacket"

79) Plasmodium is found in
a) Body fluid
b) Urine
c) spinal fluid
d)Brain tissue

80) Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
a) Occurs in childhood
b) Acute pain indicates infection
c) Microscopic hematoma is uncommon
d) Hypertension is found in 20% of children

81) Calcium renal stones are commonly caused by
a) Idiopathic hypercalciuria
b) Distal irenal tubular acidosis
c) Heriditary hyperoxaluria
d) Dehydration

82) Causes of Hypergastremia
a)Renal insufficiency
b) Pheochromocytoma
c) Gastric outlet obstruction

83) Ulcurative Colitis is
a)Synonymous with Crohn's disease
b) Is synonymous with regional cateritis
c) Is an inflammatory reaction primarily involving the colonic mucosa
d) Sulfusalazine and glucocorticoids are the main treatment

84) Osteomyelitis
a) An infection of bone
b) Is of a single bone
c) Occurs in adults only
d) Does not occur in immunocompromised patients

85) Aphasia may be
a) Anomic
b) Alexic
c) Echolalia
d) Impaired for written language

86) Proptosis is
a) An abnormal lateral protusion of both eyes
b) Leading cause is Graves's optholimopathy
c) Orbital pseudotumor is a leading cause
d) Blepharoptosis

87) Clinical findings of drug induced cutaneous findings are
a) Skin pain
b) Positive Nikolsky's sign
c) Nueral rigidity
d) High fever

88) Skin manifestations of internal disease include
a) Pemphigus
b) Cicatricial pemphigoid
c) Rash
d) Erythema multiforme

89) Renal cell carcinoma is marked by
a) hemoturia
b) Abdominal Pain
c) Varicocele
d) Flank pain

90) Signs and symptoms of Renal Cell Cancer
a) Fever
b) Amyloidosis
c) Hypotension
d) Nonpalpable mass

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91) Tetanus is
a) A muscular disease
b) A neurological disorder
c) Caused by tetanospasmia
d) Caused by clostriclium tetani
e) Caused by increased muscle tone

92) Duoclenal Ulcer
a) Caused by H. pylori infection
b) H. pylori can be identified in gastric mucosa
c) Histology does not require endoscopy
d) Pain in epigastrium usually is ill defined

93) Lipid storage diseases are
a) Niemann-Pick disease
b) Wilson's disease
c) Hurler's disease
d) Lymphoma

94) Aplastic Anemia results from
a) Drugs
b) Epstein-Barr virus
c) Fanconi's anemia
d) Rarely Idiopathic

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95) Myclodysplastic Syndromes are
a) Preleukemic
b) More common in females
c) Unrelated to the atomic bomb
d) Patients are often asymptomatic early

96) Osteomyelitis is
a) Caused by pyogenic and mycobacteria
b) Microorganisms enter solely by hematogenic route
c) Infection may involve a single bone
d) May be secondary to a contiguous focus of infection

97) Conditions Predisposing to Pneumacoccal Infections do not include
a) Sickle Cell Anemia
b) Infancy and aging
c) Cirrhosis
d) Exposure to cold
e) None of the above

98) Cholera may be treated with
a) The withholding of fluids
b) Electrolytes and base
c) Curbing travel to endemic countries
d) Cereal based formulations

99) Complications of influenza include
a) Pneumonia
b) Cardiac disease
c) Worsening of chronic destructive pulmonary disease
d) Reye's syndrome

100) Rubella
a) Occurs only in children
b) Includes fever, rash and lymphadenopathy
c) Is a virus
d) Is a bacterium

101) Cyanotic congenital heart disease with increased pulmonary blood flow
a) Occurs in complete transposition of the great arteries
b) Results in two separate and parallel circulations
c) 80% have a patent ateriosus
d) None have an interaterial communication

102) Asthma is marked by
a) Nocturnal awakening with dyspnea
b) Stridor
c) Persistent wheezing over one area of the chest
d) Gallop
e) Blood tinged sputum
g) All of the above

103) Acute exposure to antigen is characterized by
a) Neutrophilia
b) Lymphoperia
c) Antinuclear antibodies
d) Eosinophilia

104) Eosinophilic Pneumonias are due to
a) Parasitic infestations
b) Drug reactions
c) Loeffler's syndrome
d) Filarial infection

105) Hepatorenal Syndrome is marked by
a) Portal hypertension
b) Advanced cirrhosis
c) Acute Renal Failure
d) Overzealous use of diuretics

106) Disorders Associated with Protein-losing Enteropathy are
a) Menetrier's Disease
b) Meniere's syndrome
c) Megacolon
d) Glomerulonephritis

107) Examples of Pancreatic Endocrine Tumors are
a) Glucagonoma
b) Carcinoid
c) Diabetes Mellitus
d) Insulinoma

108) Acute adrenocortical insufficiency occurs in
a) Previously well subjects
b) Associated with Waterhouse-Friederich Syndrome
c) Coagulation disorder
d) Depletion of circulating glucocorticoids

109) Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
a) Is a benign disorder that is initiated by endothermal injury
b) Causes include pregnancy
c) Splenectomy is the treatment of choice
d) Plasmapheresis and exchange transfusion may be used as treatment

110) Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
a) Occurs in older adults
b) Vessel lesions contain IgA
c) A great number of patients may develop fatal acute renal failure
d) Glucocorticoids provide symptomatic relief of joint and abdominal pain

111) Common causes of Fever of undetermined origin
a) Leukemia
b) Renal cell carcinoma
c) Cat-scratch disease
d) Lyme Disease

112) Signs and symptoms of tularemia include:
a) Lymphadenopathy
b) Headache
c) Leg pains
d) Stomach pain

113) Actinomycosis is:
a) A fulminating progressive bacterial infection
b) Characteristic of sulfur granules
c) Most misdiagnosed disease
d) Most frequently oral, cervical or facial in site

114) Complications of inflammatory bowel disease are?
a) Fistulas
b) Strictures
c) Bullae
d) Periphrial arthralgia
e) Cholelitiasis

115) Cirrhosis is most commonly
a) Alcoholic
b) Asymptomatic
c) Fatal leading to hepatic insufficiency
d) Accompanied by splenomagaly

116) Variceal bleeding is
a) Most common region of gatroesophogeal junction
b) Painful
c) May result in profound shock
d) Is not a life threatening emergency

117) Ankylosing Sposdylitis
a) Begins in the 8th decade
b) It's older names include Marie-Strumpell disease
c) Initial symptom is sharp pain
d) Radiographic evidence of sacroilitis is usually present
e) Normochromic normocitic anemia is present

118) Tic doloreax
a) is not excruciating
b) occurs in the young
c) rarely occurs with herpes zoster
d) Carbamazepine is the drug of choice

119) Raynaud's Phenomenon is
a) The same as Raynaud's Disease
b) Characterized by episodic digital ischemia
c) Confined to fingers and toes
d) Rewarming does not help the phenomenon

120) Acute Arterial Occlusion
a) Results in profuse blood flow to an extremity
b) There is one principal cause of occlusion which is thrombus in situ
c) Severe pain, numbness and cold develop within 1 hour
d) Once diagnosis is made patient should be anticoagulated with IV heparin

121) Drug - Induced Glomerular Disease is caused by
a) Aspirin
b) Penicillin
c) Gold
d) Thiazides

122) Liver diseases are caused by
a) Dubin - Johnson syndrome
b) Fat
c) Hepatic Vein thrombosis
d) Septic cholangitis

123) Systemic Lupus Erythematous includes
a) Myopathy
b) Erosions
c) Ischemic necrosis of bone
d) Malar rash

124) Bacterial Meningitis classically includes
a) Headache
b) Hectic fever
c) Meningismas
d) Photophobia

125) Phobic disorders include
a) Fear of objects
b) Fear of situations
c) Fear of closed spaces
d) Fear of blood

126) Depression
a) Has onset in early adulthood
b) Multiple episodes becoming more sever over time
c) Ability to think is unaffected
d) Symptoms are worsened by bereavement
e) Seasonal affective disorder is more common in women

127) Alcoholism
a) Requires legal intoxification of at least 80 to 100 mg/lbs
b) Behavioral, psychomotor and cognitive changes are seen at levels as low as 20 to 30 mg/lbs (after one or two drinks)
c) Even slight drinking can result in an alcoholic blackout
d) One percent of alcoholics with a big history of associated malnutrition develop cerebellum degeneration

128) Beheet's Syndrome includes
a) Episodes of oral and genital ulcers
b) Iritis
c) Retinitis
d) Cutaneous lesions

129) Buerger's Disease is
a) Thromboangitis obliterans
b) Thrombosis of the vessels is primary event
c) A classic vasculitis
d) Occurs in young Jewish men only

130) Kawasaki disease is an
a) Acute febrile multi system disease
b) Occurs in children only
c) Responds to antibiotics
d) A nonsuppurative cervical adenitis

131) Disorders associated with Hypertrophic Osteoarthrophathy
a) Bronchogenic carcinoma
b) Sarcoidosis
c) Coronary Disease
d) Hypothyroidism

132) Reasons for changing levothyroxine requirements in previously stable patients
a) Decrease in thyroid function due to short bowel syndrome
b) Pregnancy
c) Hashimoto's Disease
d) Thyroidectomy

133) Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
a) In the first few months of life present with proximal limb weakness
b) Contractures at birth are called arthrognyposis
c) No variant has central nervous involvement
d) In Fukuyama dystrophy there is mental retardation

134) The most difficult component in Graves Disease is
a) Opthalmopathy
b) Diuretics may be used to reduce edema
c) Eyes have actually been completely exopthalmic
d) Large doses of prednisone may restore vision

135) Diabetes Mellitus
a) Chromosome 6 is the genetic locus of IDDM
b) The body habitius in IDDM is obese
c) The acute complication in IDDM is Ketoacidosis
d) IDDM is irresponsive to insulin therapy

136) Myotonic dystrophy
a) Reveals premature blindness
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Primary gonadal failure
d) Noonan Syndrome

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137) Uric Acid
a) Is increased by diet
b) Increased in toxemia of pregnancy
c) Increased in Paget's disease
d) Decreased in renal insufficiency

138) Complications of ulcers include
a) Obstruction
b) Hemorrhage
c) Volvulus
d) perforation

139) Drugs used in cardiac tachyarothy thomias
a) Quinidine
b) Quinine
c) Propanalol
d) Lidocaine

140) Measles is
a) Primarily a disease of children
b) Non-immunized adults may become infected
c) Always accompanied by a rash
d) Bacterial superinfection occurs mainly in children

141) Pulmonary Alvedo Proteinosis
a) Is an interstitial lung disease
b) Is not strictly an interstitial lung disease
c) Is caused by amyloid deposits on alveolar septa
d) Is lymphocytic infiltrative disorder
e) Is cleared by cortisone injection

142) Acute respiratory distress syndrome is caused by
a) Near-drowning
b) Indirect ling injury
c) Hypertransfusion
d) Toxic inhalation

143)Ataxic disorders are
a) Marked by Telangiectasia
b) Marked by staggering gait
c) Nystagmus
d) Mental retardation in all patients

144) Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome consists of
a) Chronic multiple motor and phonic tics
b) Known to be caused by accidents at birth
c) Tics irresponsive to medication
d) Motor tics affect the face

145) Primary Hyperoxaluria patients
a) Do not develope renal insufficiency
b) At postmortem calcium oxalates are widespread in renal tissues
c) Nephrolithiasis is manifest by ages 2 to 10
d) Oxalate excretion falls as renal failure worsens

146) X-linked Sideroblastic Anemia is marked by
a) Refractory hemolytic anemia
b) Hypersplenism
c) Weakness in infancy
d) A hypocellular bone marrow

147) Ebola virus may cause
a) Acute systemic febrile illness
b) Incubation period of 2 weeks
c) Frontal and temporal headache
d) Appearance of a pruritic maculofapular rash

148) Rabies is an acute viral disease of the
a) Central nervous system
b) Muscles
c) Bite of an infected animal
d) All domestic animals

149) The most effective way for terminating arrhythmias is
a) Pacemakers
b) Cardioversion
c) Defibrillation
d) Ablation

150) Digitalis intoxication is
a) Not Lethal
b) Caused by depletion of Potassium stores
c) Treated with potassium
d) The cause of slow sinus rate in presence of heart failure

151) Systolic hypertension with wide pulse pressure is present in
a) Thyrotoxicosis
b) Arteriovenous fistula
c) Polycystic renal disease
d) Use of oral contraceptives
e) High fever

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152) Glomerular disease occurs in
a) Alport's Syndrome
b) Sickle Cell Disease
c) Fabry's Disease
d) Nail-Patella Syndrome

153) Parenchymal Liver Diseases are
a) Hepatitis
b) Amyloid
c) Cholangitis
d) Partial venous thrombosis

154) Signs of Defeminization are
a) Amenorrhea
b) Loss of breast size
c) Clitoral increase
d) Frontal balding

155) Alopecia is caused by
a) Tinea capitis
b) Secondary syphilis
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Deficiency of vitamin E

156) Causes of bleeding in Liver Disease are
a) Portal hypertension
b) Decreased Synthesis of factor VII
c) Systemic fibrolysis
d) Peptic ulcer

157) Conditions Predisposing to Pneumococcal Infection
a) Lymphoma
b) Chronic disease with hospitalization
c) Homeless Shelters
d) Cigarette Smoking

158) Plague
a) When left untreated is always fatal
b) Deaths are due to delay in treatment
c) Laboratory confirmation depends on isolation of Y pestis
d) Y pestis seoticemia never occurs

159) Risk factors for arteriosclerosis are
a) High HDL level
b) Diabetes mellitus
c) Obesity
d) Family history of premature coronary artery disease

160) Frostbite
a) Results from vasoconstriction
b) Deep frostbite involves muscles, nerves and deeper blood vessels
c) Usually affects the ears, nose and throat
d) It may result in edema of the hand or foot

161) Air pollution
a) Has not been associated with acute mortality
b) Generally is associated with cold weather
c) The symptoms are the same as associated with cigarette smoking
d) Excess chronic respiratory disease is associated with air pollution

162) Uremia is marked by
a) Metabolic acidosis
b) Carbohydrate intolerance
c) Lethargy
d) Congestive heart failure

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163) Vasculitis is present in
a) Polyarteritis nodosa
b) Henoch-Schonlein purpura
c) Marfan's Syndrome
d) Wegner's Granulomatosis

164) Fibromyalgia occurs when pain is
a) Above the wrist
b) At occiput
c) Below the waist
d) On the face

165) Hemophilic Arthropathy is
a) Sex-linked recessive genetic disorder
b) Hemophilia A
c) Christmae Disease
d) The same as Van Willebrand disease

166) Abnormal Insulin
a) May cause ineffective binding to insulin receptor
b) In some cases hormone precursors may be released
c) Immunoglobulins may bind to hormone receptors
d) Hormone-resistance states can not be the result of mutations

167) Thyrotoxacosis causes
a) Increase in systolic cardiac function only
b) Enhanced atrial activity
c) These complications are more common in elderly patients
d) Low serum TSH is not associated with atrial fibrillation

168) Peripheal Nervous System Disorders occurs in
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b) Amyloid disease
c) Alcohol ingestion
d) Multiple sclerosis

169) Epidural abscess
a) Is defined as a suppurative infection in the epidural Space
b) Initial focus of infection is in paranasal sinuses
c) 20% of all epidural abscesses arise in the intracranial spaces
d) The onset of symptoms is sudden

170) Neuromuscular complications are prevalent in
a) Hypothyroidism
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Vitamin B deficiency
d) Vitamin D deficiency

171) Treatment of alcohol withdrawal
a) Suddenly decreasing ethanol intake
b) Clinical syndrome includes tremor of hands
c) 25% of alcoholics develop delerium tremors
d) Generalized seizures (rum fits) develop within 48 hrs of stopping drinking

172) Testicular Tumor
a) Chronic gonadotropins are elevated
b) Changes correlate with response to therapy
c) Leydig and Sertoli cell tumors produce hormones autonomously
d) Azoospermia is commonly found

173) Sexual Precocity is found with
a) Organic Brain Disease
b) Ruessel-Silver syndrome
c) Hypothyroidism
d) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

174) Gynecomastia results from
a) Deficiency in testosterone production
b) Deficiency in testosterone action
c) Klinefelter's Syndrome
d) From ingestion from milk or meat from estrogen treated animals

175) Hypomagnesmia occurs from
a) Diabetes Mellitus
b) Gitelman's Syndrome
c) Marfan's Syndrome
d) Massive blood transfusion

176) Urticaria
a) Involves only the superficial portion of the dermis
b) Sensitive to sunlight
c) Occurs together with angioedema
d) In Serum Sickness

177) The most striking disorder of trigeminal nerve function
a) Tic Doloreux
b) Skiptomaleux
c) A disorder involving the shoulder
d) A disorder initiated by stimuli applied to face, lips or tongue

178) Vertigo occurs in
a) Meniere's Syndrome
b) Meniere's Disease
c) A Jimmy Stewart Movie
d) The fifth decade of life

179) Severe head injury becomes surgical when
a) Subdural hematoma is found
b) Patient is comatose
c) Barbiturates are used
d) Intracranial bleeding is present

180) Neruofibronatosis is marked by
a) Cafe au lait spots
b) Axillary freckling
c) Lish nodules
d) Kyphoscoliosis

181) Causes of cerebal embolisim are
a) Mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation only
b) Prostnetic valve
c) Fat Emboli
d) Septic endocarditis

182) Moraxella
a) A Grain-negative coccus
b) The same as Branhanella
c) The same as Neiserria catarrhalis
d) Can be isolated from the stomach

183) Pertussis
a) Is whooping cough
b) Cough is sudden in onset
c) Fever is present
d) Pertussis toxin is highly communicable

184) Typhoid fever is caused by
a) Salmonella Typhi
b) Oral ingestion of organism
c) Rose spots
d) Hectic Fever

185) Shigellosis
a) Caused by slender grain-negative mobile bacteria
b) Four shigella species
c) Occurs where environmental conditions are good
d) Chloramphenicol is drug of choice

186) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
a) Is a recketsial disease
b) Is transmitted by the dog tick
c) Has a progressive nature
d) Central Nervous involvement is present

187) Measles reveals
a) Koplick spots
b) Cough
c) Coryza
d) Scarlet fever

188) Myelofibrosis is caused by
a) Hodgkins's disease
b) Hairy cell leukemia
c) Thrombocytosis
d) Poem's Disease

189) Tuberculosis is a
a) Primary disease
b) Extrapulmonary
c) Pericardial
d) Genitourinary

190) Relapsing fever may be
a) Louse-borne
b) Tick-borne
c) Worldwide
d) Treated with Penicillin

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191) Lymphatic filariasis is caused by
a) W. bancrofti
b) S. manconi
c) S. japanicum
d) S. haematobium

192) Alcoholic patients with advanced heart failure
a) May have normal life-span
b) May continue to drink in good health
c) Have a poor prognosis
d) Have D.T's featuring gigantic bleeding hearts

193) Thiamine Deficiency is termed
a) Marasmus
b) Accompanied by malnutrition
c) Caused by polished rice
d) Causes a high TPPE

194) Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia
a) Develops in some individuals with lymphatic filaria
b) Occurs in males 4 times greater than in females
c) Occurs in 5th decade of life
d) Majority of cases occurs in New Mexico

195) Tacnia Solium
a) Is the pork tapeworm
b) Humans are the only definitive hosts
c) The adult tapeworm usually resides in the colon
d) Intestinal infections may be asymptomatic

196) Cardiac Sarcomas
a) Characterized by rapidly downhill course
b) Can be mistaken for myxomas
c) Commonly involve right side of heart
d) Lymphosapcomas may respond to combination of chemo-and radiotherapy

197) Secondary hypertension occurs in
a) Pheochromocytoma
b) Cushings Syndrom
c) Renal disease
d) Primary Aldosteronism

198) Criteria for hospitalization of patients with pneumonia
a) Patient 55 years or older
b) Lekocytosis
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Empyema

199) Acute Pancreatitis
a) Clinical features include abdominal pain
b) Shock is unusual
c) Erythematous skin nodules are present
d) Jaundice is frequent

200) Gastritis is
a) A simple disease
b) A group of disorders that induce inflammatory changes in gastric mucosa
c) May be associated with Pylori
d) H. Pylori is a precursor to chronic active gastritis

Is this Recession Bush's Fault????

1) Yes

2) No

3) Not Sure

201) Red Blood Cells
a) Survive 180 days in the circulation
b) The premature destruction of red cells results on anemia if the bone marrow is unable to replenish them
c) The physical examination always shows jaundice
d) Red-brown urine (hemoglobinuria) is always reported in hemolytic anemia

202) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
a) Is common during pregnancy
b) The clinical diagnosis of PID is precise
c) Acute PID is almost exclusively a disease of sexually active women
d) Nerseria gonorrhea is the most common culprit

203) Ebstein-Barr virus infection is characterized by
a) Sore throat, fever, lymphadenopathy
b) Is associated with Burkitt's lymphoma
c) Occurring in early childhood
d) Spreads by contact with oral secretions

204)Western Equine Encephalitis
a) causes a typical diffuse viral infection
b) Infants under 1 year of age are at serious motor and intellectual damage
c) Large epidemics were never reported in the U.S. and Canada
d) The integrated habit of humans to be behind doors at dusk is the reason for the decline in infection

205) Macular degeneration reveals
a) "Cupping" in retinal examination
b) Accumulation of drusen within macula
c) Star-like configuration of retina
d) Retinal detachment

206) Effect of systemic Factors on Teeth
a) In utero factors may influence development and structure of teeth
b) Vitamin D resistant rickets may cause disturbance of calcium
c) Tetracycline during 2nd half of pregnancy causes discoloration
d) Systemic disease may not require rise to pain of pulpal disease

207)Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome characterized by
a) Occurs only in linqual area of mouth
b) Dark brown spots around lips
c) Dark brown spots around nose
d) Intestinal polypocis

208) Candidiasis occurs in
a) Tongue only
b) Revealing creamy white curd like patches
c) Does not bleed when scraped
d) Found in patients receiving high doses of

209) Photosensitivity diseases are
a) Erythropocitic diseases
b) Solar articaria
c) Diagnosed by skin biopsy
d) Bullae may occur

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210) Anorexia Nervosa is an
a) Eating disorder of previously healthy women
b) disorder of the young
c) Occurs in White women only
d) Rarely occurs in Oriental women

211) Trichuriasis is
a) A whipworm
b) Which is mostly asymptomatic
c) May cause gastrointestinal symptoms
d) Heavy infections may result in abdominal pain and anorexia

212) Atrial flutter is
a) Best treated by direct current cardioversion
b) It may be paroxysmal
c) Is uncommon during the first week following open heart surgery
d) Is characterized by an atrial rate between 300 to 375 beats per min

213) Lymphedema is caused by
a) Milroy's Disease
b) Lymphedema Disease
c) Lymphedema tarda
d) Radiation Therapy

214) Pulmonary Embolization occurs
a) When venous thrombi become dislodged from their primary site
b) Isolated calf vein or upper extremity thrombosis origin
c) Embolectomy offers least chance of therapy
d) Non-Thrombotic pulmonary embolism may be overlooked

215) Hyperglycemia may be caused by
a) Hepatic resistance to insulin
b) Glucagon
c) Cortisol
d) Hepatic resistance to glucagon

216) Prevention of atherosclerosis are
a) with statins
b) Folic acid
c) Fibrinogen
d) Thiazides

217) Interstitial lung disease is part of
a) Systemic Lupus Erythematous
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Ankylosing Spondylitis
d) Sjogren's Syndrome

218) Hypoventilation
a) Is a life threatening condition
b) Is caused by Brainstem respiratory damage
c) Causes arousal from sleep
d) Does not cause apnea

219) Gastroesophageal reflux
a) Is complicated by Esophagitis
b) Is not caused by scleroderma
c) May be treated by weight reduction
d) If Barrett's esophagus complicates it, requires vigorous treatment

220) Abnormalities in liver disease
a) Alkaline phosphatase
b) Prothranleron Tune
c) Loss of Billy Rubin's friendship
d) Albumin

221) Conditions causing postgenerative jaundice
a) Hepatitis-like picture
b) Hypoxemia
c) Bileduct injury
d) Sepsis

222) The following disorders are associated with Hypertropic Osteoarthroprathy
a) Bronchogenic CA
b) Sarcoidosis
c) Sprue
d) Hypothyradism

223) Physical findings in Syndromes of short Stature
a) GH deficiency, frontal bessing, central obesity
b) Moon facies, short metacarpals
c) Cartilage deformation
d) Gonadal dysgenesis

224) Phenylketoauria is caused by
a)Special diet low in phenylalanine supplemented with tyrosine
b) Transient intake of high phenylalanine
c) Reduced activity of phenylaline hydroxylase
d) Defect at birth

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225) Dyshidrotic eczema is characterized by
a) Vesicles and scaling
b) Occurs on palms and lateral fingers
c) Associated with keloids
d) Seen with seborrheic keratoses

226) Female Pseudohermaphodition
a) Associated with virilism
b) Seen with hypertension
c) Associated with autosomal recessive mutations
d) Results in errors of sex assignment

227) Alzheimer's Disease
a) Is the most common cause of dementia in western countries
b) 20% of persons over 70 have memory loss
c) Some patients are unaware of difficulties (agno sognosia)
d)Social graces may be retained

228) In Focal torsion dystaria
a) Blepharospasm can occur
b) Oromandibular dystonia canoccur
c) The combination of above is called Meige's syndrome
d) Torticollis is the tendency to nod's one's head

229) Relapsing Polychondrotis consists of
a) Hearing loss
b) Respiratory Disease
c) Tabes dordalis
d) Syringomyelia
e) Aortic regurgitation

230) Familial Mediterranean Fever consists of
a) Peritonitis
b) Pleuritis
c) Colloid bodies
d) Migraine headaches

231) Amyloidosis
a) Results from deposition of insoluble, fibrous proteins
b) Hematological changes include increased fibrirolysis
c) Stains with Congo Red
d) Stains with crystal Violet

232) Aortic Dissection
a) Caused by circumferential tears of aortic interior
b) Usually occurs along left lateral wall of descending aorta
c) Peak incidence is in 3rd to 4th decade
d) Symptoms include Horner's Syndrome

233) Asthma
a) Mortality rate is small
b) Is like other airway diseases in that it is progressive
c) Clinical course characterized by exacerbation and remissions
d) Can be life threatening

234) Bronchiectasis is a consequence of
a) Inflammation and destruction of components of bronchial wall
b) Pseudomonas aerupinosa is common offender
c) Complication of pertussis is common
d) Kartagener's syndrome is common co-disorder

235) Abnormalities in uremia include
a) Aluminum induced osteomalacia
b) Metabolic acidosis
c) Vitamin D-deficient osteomalacia
d) Hepatitis

236) Bartter's Syndrome consists of
a) Hypokalemia
b) Metabolic acidosis
c) Hypertension
d) Growth and development retardation

237) Liddle's Syndrome
a) Consists of hyperaldosteronism
b) Amiloride and tramterene are effective in treatment
c) Justaglomerular is an epiphenomenom
d) Inadequate chloride reabsorption activates angiotensin renin system

238) Sponge Kidney
a) Present in fourth decade
b) Characterized by Kidney Stones
c) Males affected mainly
d) Intravenous pyelogoam not helpful

239) Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
a) Is marked by the Philadelphia Chromosone
b) Is marked by the Milwaukee gene
c) Some patients are diagnosed while still asymptomatic
d) Some patients reveal left upper quadrant mass

240)Multiple Myeloma is characterized by
a) "Punched out" lesions of bone
b) Susceptibility to pneumonias
c) Plasmacytosis
d) Tender bones

241) Leprosy is
a) Known as Hansen?s Disease
b) Hacks deep tissues
c) Cultivated ( M. lepane) in armadillios
d) Terberculoid in initial lesion

242) Interferons
a) Are cytotoxins that exhibit a broad spectrum of arterial activities
b) Are therapy for chronic non-A hepatitis
c) Relapses have reported quickly to retreatment
d) Adverse effects of therapeutic dose are common

243) Cor Pulmonade
a) Is left ventricular failure
b) Caused by Obstructive pulmonary disease
c) Caused by alveolar hypoxia
d) Causes rapid pulse of small amplitude

244)Causes of Hypopigmentation are
a) Vitiligo
b) Tinea Versicolor
c) Sunlight
d) Oculocutaneous albinism

245) Causes of Purpura are
a) Solar
b) Moonlight
c) Ocean Water
d) Scurvy

246) Thrombocytopenic Purpura is caused by
a) Pregnancy
b) Metabolic Carcinoma
c) Chemotherapy
d) Trauma

247) Tetanus is caused by
a) Tetanospasmin
b) Chlostridium tetani
c) Noninmimunization
d) Soil

248) Denque Fever is
a) Carried by A. Aegypti
b) Seen on Mexican Border
c) In Water Jars, vases, discarded containers
d) Seen on the Canadian Boarder

249) Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
a) Causative viruses are hantaviruses of a distinct phylogenetic lineage
b) Associated with rodent family Sigmodontinae
c) Andes virus resposible for haunta virus in Argentina, Brazil. Chile and Paraguay
d) Deer mouse lived among the human habitation

250) Babesiosis is
a) Transmitted by ticks
b) Occurs in wild and domestic animals globally
c) Transfusions are a source
d) Rapid onset of chills and fever are characteristic

251) Angina may be treated by
a) Nitrates and beta blockers
b) Sinus syndrome treated by nitrates
c) Aspirin interferes with platelet activation and may be used in treatments
d) Revascularization produced by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty

252) Insulin resistant states include
a) Inatiation
b) Obesity
c) Ataxia-telangiectasia
d) Pineal hyperplasia

253) Gynecomastia occurs
a) in adult men
b) in renal failure
c) Klinefetter's Syndrome
d) Testicular tumors

254) Pityriasis
a) Is caused by Malassezia Furfur
b) Is the same as tinea versicolor
c) Is seen under Wood's light
d) Azobe creams are not effective in treatment

255) Systolic hypertension with wide pressure occurs in
a) Chronic pyelenephritis
b) Fever
c) Renin-producing tumors
d) Patent ductus arteriosus

256) Thoracic Outlet Compression Syndrome
a) Results from compression at the thoracic outlet
b) Patients experience Raynaud's Phenomenon
c) Scalene maneuver is ineffective in diagnosis
d) Only surgical procedure is effective in treatment

257) Familial Mediterranean Fever is Characterized by
a) Arabic Ancestry
b) Onset at age 30
c) Abdominal pain
d) Frank Arthritis

258) Wegener's granulomatos occurs
a) In upper and lower vascularitis
b) Commonly in African Lineages
c) Commonly before adolescence
d) In Kidney

259) Causes of Hepatic Granuloma include
a) Sarcoidosis
b) Iron deficiency Anemia
c) Crohn's disease
d) Diabetes Mellitus

260) Liver transplantation indications are
a) Tyrosinemia
b) Glycogen Storage Disease
c) Fulminant hepatitis
d) Alcoholic Cirrhosis

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261) Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematous is characterized by
a) Photosensitive eruption
b) Scarring Eruption
c) Lesions resembling psoriasis
d) Discoid lupus erythematous

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262) Kawasaki disease is characterized by
a) Acute febrile multisystem disease
b) Occurs in adults
c) Manifestations include pericarditis
d) Immune-mediated-injury to blood vessels

263) Behcet's syndrome includes
a) Recurrent oral and genital ulcers
b) Iritis
c) Popular in Spanish refrain Becet mae moucho
d) Underlying pathology is leukoclastic venulitis

264) HIV infection may involve
a) Lungs
b) Gastrointestinal system
c) Blood
d) Semen
e) Eyes

265) Congenital Heart Disease may be due to
a) Ebstein's Anomaly
b) Tetralogy of Fallot
c) Cor pulmonale
d) Dextrocardia

266) Diseases of Pericardium include
a) Idiopathic pericarditis
b) Collagen disease
c) Cholesterol pericardial disease
d) Uremia

267) Mumps
a) Is communicable
b) Characterized by swelling of both parotid glands
c) Does not involve swelling of other salivary glands
d) Parotitis develops at all times

268) Asthma
a) Consists of dyspnea, cough and Wheezing
b) Wheezing is not the sine qua non
c) Eosinophilic pneumonias are often associated with asthmatic symptoms
d) Patient's demonstrate increase in anteroposterior diameter of the thorax

274) Liver Abscesses
a) Liver is the organ most likely to develop abscesses
b) Always solitary abscesses
c) Associated disease of biliary tract is most common etiology
d) B. fragilis is most common flora

275) Tetracycline
a) Effective only against gram negative bacteria
b) Among drugs of choice for chronic bronchitis
c) Among drugs of choice against granuloma ingranole
d) Among drugs of choice against rickettsiae

276) Botulism is a
a) Paralytic disease
b) It is caused by neurotoxins elaborated by bolulinium uaelchii
c) It is food-borne
d) Paralyticileus is uncommon

277) Shigellosis
a) Is an acute infectious inflammatory colitis
b) Shigella is a natural pathogen of humans
c) It is only orally ingested
d) It invades the host across the intestinal epithelial cells

278) Antiarrhythmic tachycardia drugs
a) Are used only intermittingly in acute arrhythmia
b) Most available anharrhymine agents have a high toxic therapeutic
c) Procamainide is most effective in atrial tachyarrhythmias
d) Most arrhythmias are sporadic

279) The causes of bone marrow suppression in HIV infection are
a) Fungal Infections
b) Venereal diseases
c) Mycobacterial infections
b) Lymphoma

280) Non Venereal Trepanomatesis
a) Occurs in less developed areas of the world
b) Yaws and pinta are significantly morphologically different from T. pallidum
c) Pinta is caused by T. pallidum
d) Pinta involves both skin and bones

281) Influenza is an acute respiratory illness
a) Caused by infection with influenza viruses
b) Outbreaks of which occur every winter
c) Transmissions of which are generally not severe
d) Transmissions of which may cause significant morbidity

282) Causes of Heart Failure include
a) Free wall rupture
b) Atrial septal defect
c) Mitral regurgitation
d) Ventricular tachycardia

283) Growth Hormone is
a) In excess causes soft tissue and bone enlargement
b) Secreted by somatotrophs
c) Is increased in acr9omegaly
d) Is made famous by the French and Swedish Angels

284) Ischemic Stroke presents with
a) Abrupt onset of a focal neurologic deficit
b) Low flow in an artery due to stress
c) Is transient and portends impending stroke
d) Is always reversible

285) Relasping Fever
a) Is louse borne only
b) Is a spirochete infection
c) Is not Borrelia
d) Is treated with Erythromycin

286) Reiter's syndrome consists of
a) Conjunctivitis and urethritis
b) Is occasionally diarrheal
c) Never involves arthritis
d) Also may include PID

287) Fasciola hepaticia
a) Caused by nematodes
b) Characterized by fever and hepatomegaly
c) Symptoms occur at once
d) Is a fluke

288) Prolonged Cigarette smoking causes
a) Chronic bronchitis during life
b) Emphysema at postmortem
c) Obstruction of small airways in old cigarette smokers
d) Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are not combined

289) Papilledema is
a) Optic disc edema
b) Caused by raised intercranial pressure
c) Shows hemorahages and cotton wool spote
d) Is the same as pseudotumor

290) Subdural hematoma are symptomatic
a) Minutes or hours after injury
b) Unilateral papillary dilatation is always diagnostic
c) Drowsiness and confusion is seen in alcoholics after injury
d) Trephining is the treatment

291) Anthrax is caused by
a) B. anthracis
b) Celostridium welchii
c) A rod that forms oval spores
d) Can not be treated with parenteral penicillin G

292) Clostridium
a) Causes Gas gangrene
b) Is associated with food poisoning
c) Causes colitis
d) Does not contaminate meat

293) Drugs useful in treating Tuberculosis are
a) Rifaimpin
b) Penicillin
c) Tetracycline
d) Ethambatol

294) Transmission of T. pallidium
a) Depends on immune response of the host
b) Developes only after the fourth month of gestation
c) Adeguate treatment of mother does not effectively protect fetus
d) Is effectively treated by penicillin

295) Loa Loa
a) Is the name of a Marlene Dietrich character
b) Caused by microfilariae
c) Low doses of DEC is effective
d) Detection of microfilariae or isolation of adult worm from the eye are diagnostic

296) Ascitic Fluid is
a) Straw colored in ascitis
b) Turbid in tuberculosis
c) Turbid in congestive heart failure
d) Chylous in Nephirosis

297) Hyperkaleumia is
a) Caused by Renal failure
b) Present in hyperaldosteronism
c) Not present in Gordon's syndrome
d) Drugs ACE inhibitors

298) A Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
a) Is completely surrounded by normal aereated lung tissue
b) Is malignant in 80% of cases
c) A popcorn ball (hanartoma) suggests a malignant tumor
d) Lack of radiographic growth for 2 years indicates benign tumor

299) Insulinomas
a) Are Beta-cell toumors
b) Whipple's triad is symptomatic
c) Catecholmines are secondarily released
d) Insulin is continuously released

**** 300) Brucellosis
a) Is Melitensis, acquired from goats
b) Is not transmitted from dogs
c) Is due to ingestion of raw milk or cheese
d) Symptoms are fever, chills and low back pain

301) Coma
a) Occurs from torsion of the hemispheres
b) Main causes are subdural and deep cerebral hemorrage
c) Brain death does not occur
d) Widespread cortical destruction does not occur

302) Causes of untreatable dementia are
a) Alzheimer's disease
b) Parkinson's disease
C) Alcoholism
d) Drug/medication intoxication

303) Narcolepsy reveals
a) Loss of consciousness
b) Disturbed nocturnal sleep
c) Cataplexy
d) Sleep paralysis

304) Supression of platelet production occurs when taking
a) Thiazide diuretics
b) Estrogens
c) Beans
d) Arsenicals for syphillis

305) Pertussis
a) Lasts for 6 to 8 weeks
b) Has incubation period of 5 to 14 days
c) Has catarral stage of 1 to 2 weeks
d) Subsides at night

306) Acne Vulgaris is due to
a) Ingestion of too many sweets
b) Increased levels of estrogens
c) Increased levels of androgens
d) Cushing's syndrome

307) Yellow lesions are found in
a) Orientals
b) Torre's syndrome
c) Necrobiosis lipidica
d) Xanothomas

308) Acute effects of sun exposure
a) Never occurs in blacks
b) Hence the designation of red men in American Indians
c) Is due to increased melanogenesis
d) Due to UV-B exposure of midday

309) Hereditary gastrointestinal Polyposis includes
a) Gardner's syndrome
b) Turcotte's syndrome
c) Turcot's syndrome
d) Peutz- Jegher's syndrome

310) Megabblasric anemia occurs in
a) Defect in Cobalmin deficiency
b) Pernicious Anemia
c) Postgastrectomy
d) Antrintrinsic factor patients

311) Paroxysomal Mocturnal Hemoglobinuria
a) Is distinctive among hemolytic disorders
b) Should be suspected in unexplained hemolytic anemia
c) Ham's Test is reliable
d) The sucrose lysis test is also reliable

312) Aplastic Anemia
a) is characterized by pancytopenia
b) Onset is usually sudden
c) Most commonly presenting symptom is bleeding from gums
d) Anemia may be severe

313) Acute Schistosomiasis is
a) Katayama fever
b) Includes angioedema
c) Is not characterized by weight loss
d) Is complicated by portal hypertension

314) Lung Abscess is
a) Characterized by putrid sputum
b) Narcolepsy
c) Tissue Necrosis
d) Night sweats

315) Hepatic Hydrotharax
a) Occurs in fifty percent of patients with corrhosis
b) Effusion is usually left-sided
c) Presence of gross pus in pleural space is fatal
d) Chest tube should be inserted

316)Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
a) Is anaphylactoid
b) Occurs in old adults
c) Is self limited
d) May be preceded by an upper respiratory infection

317) Actinomycosis is
a) Acute
b) Are of genus Actinomycis
c) Most characteristic are the formation of sulfur granules
d) Is the most misdiagnosed disease

318) Syphilis
a) Is a chronic systemic infection
b) Is caused by Treponemia pertenue
c) A tatoo is the cardinal sign of syphilis
d) Death rate among Blacks is equal to that of Whites

319) Chagas Disease is also known as
a) Almerican trypanosoniasis
b) Caused by a protosoan parasite
c) Was immortalized in the twenties in the song (Chagas-Chagas)
d) Marked by Romafial's sign

320) Pulmonary Embolism is marked by a
a) Rote Blutuoelle
b) Chest pain
c) Abnormal lung scan
d) Hematemesis

321) Effects of Uremia are
a) Hypothermia
b) The inability to metabolize glucose
c) Increased levels of lypoprotein
d) Uremic frost

322) Peritoneal Dialysis
a) May be performed in patients with acute renal failure
b) The most common complication is peritonitis
c) Malnutrition is not a complication
d) Home dialysis is preferable

323) Malabsorption syndromes are caused by
a) Cardiovascular
b) Lymphatic obstruction
c) Crohn's disease
d) Whipple's disease

324) Manifestations of Graves' disease are
a) Carotid Souffles
b) Ophtalmopathy
c) A symmetric diffuse goiter
d) Ectopic thyroid tissue

325) Ataxia-telangiectasia includes
a) Immunologic deficiency
b) Parathyroid disease
c) Diabetes Mellitas
d) Ovarian failure

326) Panic disorder includes
a) Recurrent panic attacks
b) Intense fear
c) Feelings of unreality
d) Agoraphobia

327) Wernicke's Disease
a) Is encephalopathy
b) Is due to renal impairment
c) Is part of Korsokoff's psychosis
d) Is associated with polyneuropathy

328) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
a) Is entrapment of ulnar nerve
b) Is entrapment of carpal nerve
c) Is entrapment of median nerve
d) Treatment is surgical section of carpal ligament

329) Duchenne disease
a) Is X-linked recessive
b) Onset at age 10
c) Is progressive weakness of girdle muscles
d) Reveals Kyphoscliosis

330) Craniopharyngomas
a) Arise from Rathke's Pouch
b) Most are intrasellar
c) Personality change is uncommon
d) Total removal is usually succesful

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331) Hypopituitarism is
a) Due to damage of posterior pituitary
b) Occurs in pregnancy
c) Does not cause diabetes insipidus
d) If fanctional is uncommon

332) Pulmonary Thromboembolism reveals
a) Dyspnea
b) Cough
c) Bradycardia
d) Venous neck distension

333) Papilloma virus Infections
a) Cause common warts
b) Plantar warts
c) Condyloma accuminatum
d) Bowen's disease

334) Radiation
a) May induce chromosome aberrations
b) May affect the central nervous system
c) Often does not produce significant skin reactions
d) May cause acute pericarditis

335 Symptoms and signs of chronic meningitis are
a) Chronic headaches
b) Always shows papillidema
c) No change in personality
d) Sexual reduction in activity

336) Myasthenia Gravis
a) Men are more frequently effected than women
b) Is Rare
c) Has cardinal features of weakness and fatiguability
d) Causes patient to snarl when smilling

337) HIV disease is
a) An opportunistic infection
b) Is infected by pseudomonas carini
c) Is treated with penicillin
d) Is treated with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxzole

338) Commonly used in Angina Pectoris are
a) Sublingual NTG
b) Short-acting dihydopyridines
c) Propanalol
d) Isorbide

339) Nephratic Syndrome
a) Is characterized by proteinuria + hypoalbunrmia
b) The greater the proteinuria the greater the serum albumin
c) The pathophysiology of edema is well understood
d) Iron-resistant microcytic hypochroamic anemia is present

340) In ischemic renal disease there is
a) Hypertension in a renal transplant patient
b) Chronic renal failure
c) Acute renal failure
d) Progressive azotemia

341) Postoperative juandice is caused by
a) Hemolytic anemia
b) Transfusions
c) drugs
d) Shock

342) Kaposi's Sarcoma
a) Was a prominant clinical feature in early AIDs patients
c) Patients with Kaposi's Sarcoma are likely to die from other causes
d) Chest x-ray includes dense bilateral lower lobe infiltrates

343) Systematic Mastocytosis
a) In most cases is indolent and nonneoplastic
b) The nature of the disorder is never leukemia
c) The skin lesions are urticaria pigmentosa
d) Hepatosplenomagaly is not a feature

344) Wilson's Disease
a) Is not rare
b) Presents with a Kayser-Fleischer ring of cornea
c) Has Hemolytic anemia
d) May be fulminant with hepatitis

345) Hurler's Syndrome
a) Is an uncommon infiltrative disease
b) The liver is soft and unenlarged
c) Kupfer cells are enlarged
d) Cirrhosis is never a complication

346) Eosinophilic-Myalgia Syndrome
a) Reveals scleroderma-like skin changes
b) L-Tryptophan may be responsible cause
c) Raynaud's phenomenon is present
d) There is a high incidence of pulmonary hypertension

347) Complications of malaria are
a) Pancytopenia
b) Splenomegaly
c) Dragging sensation in the abdomen
d) Anemia

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348) Sleeping sickness is
a) African Trypanosomiasis
b) Is transmitted by flies of the genus Glossina
c) There is no involvement of spleen
d) Rheumatoid factor is often found

349) Low-Grade Astrocytomas are
a) Histologically benign
b) A role for chemotherapy is defined
c) More common in adults
d) Surgical treatment is treatment of choice

350) Oligodendrogliomas are
a) Less responsive to treatment than astrocytomas
b) Never malignant
c) Sterotoxic biopsy is necessary to astablish a diagnosis
d) Respond to procorbazine

351) Pellagra is
a) A result of niacine deficiency
b) With advancing illness there may be impairment of memory
c) Less of Nisol straining in neurons is prevalent
d) Early symptoms are insomnia and fatigue

352) Amblyopia and painful neuropathy is referred to as
a) Jamaican neuritis
b) Occurred in Spanish Civil War
c) Prisoners of war in World War II
d) None of the above

353) Bullous Penpigoid
a) Is seen in elderly
b) Is usually malignant
c) Can be controlled with glucocorticoids
d) There is correlation between the titer of IgG antibasement autoantibodies and disease activity

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354) Major causes of Acute Azotemia are ?
a) Prerenal
b) A Theroembolism
c) Renal artery Thrombosis
d) Malignant hypertension

355) Poliovirus is ?
a) Mostly asymptomatic
b) Usually resolves in 2 weeks
c) The most common presentation is paralysis
d) Most cases involve immunodefecient people

356) Sandfly Fever is ?
a) Carried by Phlebotomas papatasi
b) Essentially malignant infection
c) Is known as "3-day fever"
d) Is prevalent in the Middle East

357) Dengue Fever
a) Also known as "Break-bone Fever"
b) Carried by Phlebotomus perniciosus
c) There is no rash involved
d) There is adenopathy

358) The Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
a) Occurs in all patients with primary syphillis
b) Consists of fever, chills and tachycardia
c) Erythema in patients with secondary syphillis
d) Can be managed with bed rest and aspirin

359) The Douloureux is ???
a) Characterized by excruciating pain in ear
b) Occurs in young children
c) Is immortalized in Cole Porter's Song ("but I ain't got a tic douloureux"}
d) The pain occurs day and night

360) Pheochromocytoma occurs in
a) Young to midadult life
b) Have hypertensove crisis
c) Slight male predominance
d) Frequently paroxysms

361) Precocious Puberty occurs in
a) Organic brain disease
b) Congenital abnormal hyperplasia
c) McCume-Albright Syndrome
d) Russel-Silver syndrome

362) Rickets
a) Is similar to osteomalocia
b) Caused by inadequate dietary Vitamin D intake
c) Not caused by renal insufficiency
d) Not associated with total gastrectomy

363) Q fever is
a) A zoonosis
b) Primary infection is from cats
c) Caused by infection with Coxiella barnetti
d) Presents with flu-like symptoms

364) Trachoma is
a) A chronic ooajuctvitis
b) Responsible for 20 million cases of blindness worldwide
c) Cornea involved with pavnus formation
d) Herbert's pits seen in cornea

365) Rabies
a) Is an acute viral disease of the CNS
b) May be transmitted through a virus containing aerosol
c) Is found in Austrailia and Antartica
d) The dog is the most imfamous vector

366) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
a) Is transmitted from the common church mouse
b) Fever and myelgia is sudden
c) Leukopenia and thrombocytopomia are uncommon
d) May present as asceptic meningitis

367) The Jones Criteria Major for Rheumatic Fever are
a) Carditis
b) Sydenham's Chorea
c) Arthalgia
d) Prolonged PR interval

368) Thoracentosis is used to
a) Sample pleural liquid
b) Closed biopsy is favorable in tuberculosis
c) Diagnostic sampling after ultrasound localization is preferable
d) An Abrams or a Cope needle may be used

369) Criteria for hospitalization of patients with pneumonia are
a) Patients of 30 years or older
b) Comorbidity of lung disease
c) Gram-positive bacilli
d) Tachypnea

370) Inborn errors of Metabolism are
a) Hurler's disease
b) Hunter's disease
c) Marfan's syndrome
d) Marquio's Disease

371) Antihelmintic drugs are effective against
a) Trichinella
b) Cutaneous Laria Migrans
c) Gnath Ostomasis
d) Ascariasis

372) Infectious Mononucleosis
a) Is never fatal
b) Is not related to Epstein-Barr virus
c) Presents with tonsillitis
d) Presents with jaundice

373) Recommended treatment for gonococcal infection are:
a) Ciprofloxacin
b) long-acting forms of penicillin
c) Doxycycline
d) Penicillin V

374) Disorders of Platelet Adhesion are
a) von Willebrand's Disease
b) Glanzman's Thrombas hemia
c) Uremia
d) Afibinogenemia

375) Bacterial food poisoning is caused by
a) Bacillus cereus
b) Vibrio cholers
c) Shigella
d) Clostridium welchii

376) Fish poisoning is caused by
a) Ciquatara
b) "Red tides"
c) Shellfish
d) Scombroid

377) Meningococcal infections are caused by
a) Neisseria
b) Sub-Saharan temperatures
c) Serograup A
d) LPS

378) Raynaud's Phenomenon
a) Causes Vasospasim of fingertips only
b) Is the same as Raynaud's Disease
c) Is the same as hammer hand syndrome
d) Occurs eith Waldenstroms maeroglobulinemia

379) In frostbite
a) Only superficial involvement occurs
b) The skin appears white and waxy
c) Rewarming is initial treatment
d) There is no use for antibiotics

380) Venous Thrombosis
a) Is the same as thrombophle bitis
b) Virchow described predisposing hotapsin in 1908
c) Prevalence is high in patients with cancer of lungs and pancreas
d) Risk is increased following trauma

381) Respiratory Disease
a) Is found in Guillain-Barre syndrome
b) Involves pulmonary parenchyma
c) Patients are frequently without Dyspnea
d) Cough is useful for differential diagnosis

382) Tubulointenstitial Disease of Kidney is caused by
a) Lead uephropothy
b) HIV-associated nephropothy
c) Sickle cell neuphropothy
d) Sponge kidney

383) Megacolon is
a) Same as Hirschprang's disease
b) A congenital disorder only
c) Can result in gaglion cells of colon
d) May occur eith schizophrenia

384) Siezures occur in
a) HIV disease
b) CNS lymphoma
c) Sickle Cell Anemia
d) Aseptic Meningitis

385) Amyloidosis
a) Occurs in cardiac disease
b) Occurs in spleen
c) Occurs in skin
d) Has Factor X deficiency

386) Indications for dialysis are
a) Signs and symptoms of uremia
b) Hyperkalemia
c) Sever acidosis
d) Alkalosis

387) Coal Worker's pneumoconiosis
a) Is associated with bituminous coal
b) Similar to symptoms of cigarette smoking
c) Patients with silicosis have less occurence than bituminous
d) Atypical reactions to M tuberculosis is common

388) Disorders associated with hypertrophic osteorthropathy are
a) Bronchogenic carcinoma
b) Rheumatoid arthritis
c) Sprue
d) Aortic aneurysm

389) Tietzek Syndrome
a) Is costochondral swelling
b) Age of onset is after 40
c) Occurs more often in men
d) May mimic cardiac symptoms

390) Hypercholesterolemia occurs in
a) Hyperthyroidism
b) Anorexia nervosa
c) Progesterone intake
d) Systemic lupas erythematosus

391) Hemachromatosis
a) Is a common autosomal recessive disorder
b) Is as frequent in men as women
c) Excessive iron ingestion over many years is the cause
d) Skin pigmentation is a symptom

392) Hyperthermia
a) Is caused by Heat Stroke
b) Is caused by amphetamines
c) Is caused by hypometabolism
d) Is caused by LSD

393) The most common cause of dementia are
a) Alzheimer's Disease
b) Pellagra
c) Trauma to head
d) Dementia baseballitis

394) Disorders of sense of smell
a) Transport loss
b) Sensory loss
c) Uncinate fit
d) Parkinson's disease

395) Hemoptysis is caused by
a) Lung abscess
b) Good pasture's Syndrome
c) A punch in the nose
d) Use of anticoagulants

396) Manifestations of Malignant Disease are
a) Cachexia
b) Fear of dying
c) Fear of flying
d) Fear of fear

397) Obesity
a) Is a chronic disease
b) Poses a serious threat to marital bliss
c) Increases during wartime
d) Causes gallbladder disease

398) Septic Patients often are in
a) Septic shock
b) Systemic inflammatory response
c) Organ dysfunction
d) Hypotension

399) Pathegens involved in causing Acute Diarrhea
a) Vibrio cholerae
b) Shiqelli
c) Salmonella-typhi
d) Straptococcus

400) Klebsiella
a) Colonize the human gastrointestinal tract
b) Frequently cause disease in the normal host
c) Is the same as Friedlander's bacillus
d) Associated with life-threatening septic shock

401) Chigger-borne Scrub typhus
a) Is a Rickettsaceae
b) Is the same as tsutsu gamushi
c) Is not endemic to Japan
d) Is often self limiting

402) Osteoarthritis
a) Is localized as Heberden's nodes
b) May be secondary to trauma
c) Is the least common joint disease of humans
d) Is not found in Wilson's Disease

403) Complications of Inflammatory bowel disease
a) Perforation
b) Toxic dialation of the colon
c) Retinitis
d) Osteoarthritis

404) Chronic Hepatitis B
a) Degree of liver injury is mild
b) Progression to more severe chronic hepatitis is in 25% of all patients
c) It never ends in fatality
d) AST tends to exceed ALT once cirrhosis is established

405) Hyperamylasemia is caused by
a) Pancreatitis
b) Peritonitis
c) Lipuse is best enzyme for pancreatitis
d) Pancreatic carcinoma

406) Sjogren's Syndrome is
a) Exclusive in young males
b) Characterized by dry eyes everyday
c) Reveals positive Schirmer's test
d) Characterized by lymphoma

407) Syphilitic arthritis reveals
a) Immobilization of involved limbs
b) Charcott's joint
c) Penicillin is helpful in all settings
d) Sacroiliitis

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408)Relapsing polychondritis is
a) Eposodic
b) Affects cartilage of the ears
c) There is familial tendency
d) 30% have systemiclupus erythematosus

409) Relief of clinical urinary tract infections
a) Always indicates bacteriological cure
b) Uncomplicated infections usually respond to short-term-therapy
c) Community acquired infections are not due to antibiotic-sensitive strains
d) Community-acquired infections are usually due to antibiotic immune strains

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410) Common conditions predisposing to Pneumococcal infection
a) Cigarette smoking
b) Renal insufficiency
c) Lupus erythemabosus
d) Alcoholism

411) Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome includes
a) Temperature over 101 degrees F
b) Platelet count greater than 110,000 per ml
c) Desquamation of knees
d) Rise in antibody in agents of leptospirosis

412) Taenia siginata is
a) Worldwide
b) Characterized by easinophilia
c) Found in swine
d) In its parasitic stage it segments

413) Amebiasis treatment of choice is
a) Penicillin
b) Metronidazole
c) Diloxanide
d) Tetracycline

414) Clinical manifestations of shistmiasis are
a) Intense itching
b) Convulsions
c) Productive cough
d) Fever

415) The Protean Manifestations of Secondary Syphilis are
a) Diffuse mucocutaneous lesions
b) Alopecia areata
c) Condylomata Lata
d) Generalized nontender lymphadenopathy

416) Mycoplasmas are
a) Free-living organisms
b) Do not occur in joints
c) Cause pneumonia only in children
d) May cause "walking" pneumonia

417) Influzena
a) May complicate pneumonia
b) May not cause Reye's syndrome
c) May not be differentiated from Mycopleoma pneumonia
d) Does not occur in winter outbreaks

418) Marfan Syndrome is characterized by
a) Long thin extremities
b) Dislocated lens
c) Aortic aneurysm
d) Observed in paintings of George Washington

419) Paget's Disease of bone is
a) Ostritis deformans
b) Characterized by pathological features
c) Always requires treatment
d) Biphosphates are effective in treatment

420) Hemataria
a) Isolated hematatia occurs in Alpcot's Syndrome
b) May be associated with sensineural deafness
c) Is not associated with progressive renal insufficiency
d) May be caused by benign prostate hypertrophy

421) Microbial pathogens that cause pneumonia are
a) Mycobactetium tuberculosis
b) Staphyylococcus preumoniae
c) Nocardia
d) Legioella pneumoniae

422) Eosinophilic Pneumonia
a) Is not associated with bronchial asthma
b) Is caused by filarial asthma
c) Is not caused by drug reactions
d) Is Loeffler's idiopathic syndrome

423) Causes of Intestrial bacterial overgrowth are
a) Radiation enteritis
b) Corhen's disease
c) Gastroileal fistula
d) Lupus erythematosus

424) Postoperative jaundice is caused by
a) Transfusions of nonstored blood
b) Sepsis
c) Bile duct injury
d) Anesthetic agents

425) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is
a) Accompanied by sore throat
b) Coexistent with muscle pain
c) Coexistent with tender cervical nodes
d) Not characterized by unrefreshing sleep

426) Panic Disorder is defined as
a) Pressence of recurrent and unpredicable panic affects
b) Feelings of unreality
c) Not by agoraphobia
d) Is not genetically predisposed

427) LSD
a) Is a potent drug
b) Is to Cary Grant what ALS is to Lou Gehrig
c) Is to Cary Grant what Aids is to Rock Hudson
d) Has no clinical deaths attributed to it

428) Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
a) Is an intraalveolar process
b) May be differentiated from primary alveolar proteinosis by Chest xray
c) Is similar to Goodpasture's Syndrome
d) Is a combination of surfacant phospholipid latic dehydrogenase

429) Pulmonary Cavities are caused by
a) Pseudomonis aeroginosa
b) Nocardia
c) Histoplasma capsulum
d) Syphillis

430) Animal Bites
a) May transmit spirillum minor if a rat bite
b) Nay cause Eryspeloid in fishhandlers disease
c) Cat bites sustained more in men than women
d) Human bites are easily treated

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431) Legionelloris
a) Is the same as Pontiac disease
b) Is the same as Legionaire's Disease
c) Aspiration is not a predominant means of transmission
d) Cigarette smoking is a common risk factor

433) Antiviral chemotherapy
a) Is not very effective
b) Acyclovir is effective versus Epsein-Barr infection
c) Ribavirin is a synthetic analogue is effective against a Rat's Bite
d) Primary penital HSV infections are not well treated

433) Signs of infectous mononucleosis include
a) Lymphadengrathy
b) Rash
c) Leukopenia
d) Liver Function abnormal

434) Renal vein Thrombosis may be caused by
a) Extrusic compression
b) Pregnancy
c) Renal cell carcinoma
d) Nephrotic syndrome

435) Stable Angina Pectoris may reveal
a) Normal P.C
b) Nicotine stains on fingertips
c) Absent perypheral arteries
d) Nothing on examination of funds

436) Causes of Baldness
a) Alpecia aerata
b) Morphea
c) Tinea capitis
d) Traumatic alopena

437) X-linked disorders
a) Are more prevalent in females
b) Color blindness is an x-linked recessive trait
c) Are never lethal
d) Never include new mutations

438) Signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer include
a) Painless jaundice
b) Splenomegaly
c) Nonpalpable gall bladder
d) Glucose Intolerance

439) Associated with developement of malignant lymphoma are
a) Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
b) Sjogren's Syndrome
c) Quinidine
d) Aplastic anemia

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53)b and d
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132)a,b and c
133)a,b and d
134)a,b,c and d
135)a and c

136)a and c
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138)a,b and d
139)a,c and d
140)a and b

141)b and e
142)a,b,c, and d
143)a,b and c
144)a and d
145)b,c and d

146)a,b and c
147)a,c and d
148)a,c and d
150)b,c and d

151)a,b and e
152)a,b,c and d
153)a and b
154)a and b
155)a,b and c

156)a,c and d
157)a,b,c and d
158)b and c
159)b,c and d
160)a,b,c and d

161)b,c and d
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175)a,b and d

176)a,b,c and d
177)a and d
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181)b,c and d
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195)a,b and d

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200)b,c and d

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223)a,b and d
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240)a,b,c and d

241)a,c and d
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320)a,b and c

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330) a

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331) a and b
332) a,b and d
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336)c and d
337)b and d
338)a,c and d
339) A AND D
340)A,C AND D

341)A,B,C AND D
342)A,B,C AND D
343)A AND C
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379)a,b and d
380)a,c and d

381)A AND B
382)A,B,C AND D
383)A,C AND D
384)A,B AND D
385)A,C AND D

386)a,b and c
387)a,b and d
388)a,c and d
390)b,c and d

391)a and d
392)a,b and d
393)a,b and c
394)a,b and d
395)a,b,c and d

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407)a,b and d
408)a,b and d
409)b and d
410)a,b and d


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412)a,b and d
413)c and d
414)a and d
415)a,b,c and d

416)a and d
417)a and c
418)a,b and c
419)a,b and d
420)a,b and d

421)a,b,c and d
423)a,b and c
424)a,b,c and d
425)a,b snd c

426)a and b
427)a,b.c and d
428)a and d
429)a,b and c
430)a and b

431)a,b and d
432)a,b,c and d
433)a,b and d
434)a,b,c and d
435)a,b and c

436)a,b,c and d
437)a and b
438)a,b and d
439)a and b

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