Friday, August 10, 2007

Torture from the Experts

Say what you may about the AMA, but the organization has gone on record against docs participating in torture in this war on terror. The APA, however, has not been so steadfast. Salon has uncovered psychologists that have been working to develop new and improved torture methods. These methods include waterboarding that simulates drowning, and a dog box designed to foster "learned helplessness." Many of these studies have been variants of experiments used in the past to help protect American soldiers from torture. Vanity Fair and the New Yorker have corraborated the story.

While the AMA has an explicit policy against participating in torture, the APA does not. This topic will likely be a popular one at the APA's annual meeting August 10th. President Koch has selected 10 psychologists to draft a statement, however 6 of these psychologists have direct ties to the military and 4 had been involved with detainees at Abu Ghraib or Guantenamo. It remains to be seen if the new policy will prohibit members from participating in torture.

A central tenet of medicine (psychology included) is "First, Do no Harm." Any participation in developing or implementing torture goes against this most basic of ideas.

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