Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cure for the Common Cold

I enjoyed this recent article by the NY Times regarding OTC meds in kids. However, like the AAP, I feel even new warnings will not go far enough.

I'll admit that I hate being sick. If I could, I would take NyQuil starting at the first sniffle and wake up when it was over. However, it often doesn't work out that way. Many times I'm stuck working, or at the very least I'm stuck with the symptoms. I don't like the symptoms, be it cough, congestion, runny nose, aches, fever, exhaustion, well, you get the idea. I don't expect any one else likes it either. Unfortunately, most adults get sick a few times a year, and, even worse it will most likely be a virus. This means that you can't really do anything about it. You can take antibiotics that won't help. If you get the flu and catch it early, you can start tamiflu which may decrease the duration by one or two days but comes with fun side effects like psychosis. Generally, the option is symptomatic treatment such as nyquil, dayquil, tylenol cold, whatever.

For reference, I never buy the brand names. If you are comfortable doing so, read the ingredients and compare with the much cheaper generics. Same medication, same effect, less dough.

So, in general, adults want at least symptomatic treatment. What happens when your kid gets sick? They feel miserable too. They also tend to get sick much more often, since they are building up their immune system to the more common bugs. Should kids get the same symptomatic treatment?

This blog isn't meant to diagnose or treat anyone, especially the peds population. I only bring this up because I think it is natural for parents to want children to suffer less. This may work for children over 8, it may even be appropriate for children over 2, but symptomatic treatment is generally not acceptable for children under two. It makes no sense to challenge this delicate population with a medication unless it is ABSOLUTELY needed. By all means treat your child as appropriate, but otherwise wipe the snot, listen to the cough, put up with the diarrhea as long as the child isn't becoming dehydrated.

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